Day White®

Day White®

Day White®

Day White®

Day White®

Day White®

Day White®

Day White®

Day White® is a specialized take-home whitening treatment which has been designed for use during daytime hours.  Day White® offers an excellent alternative for people who would like to have a brighter smile, but do not relish the prospect of wearing strips or whitening trays all night long.  In fact, the Day White® treatment will only take one hour per day, and is substantially less expensive than some in-office alternatives.

Day White® is an extremely user-friendly home treatment.  The kit includes whitening gel, a patented syringe and special whitening trays.  There is nothing complicated, messy or time-consuming about applying Day White® and it can whiten the teeth by as many as fourteen shades in as few as 10-14 days.

How can Day White® help me?

Day White® utilizes proven technology to remove organic stains on the teeth and whiten yellowing dentin and enamel.  Day White® has been created with the wearer in mind, and comes in several flavors.

Here are some advantages of the Day White® System:

  • Cost effective.
  • Custom-fitted trays.
  • Lower active ingredient concentration (means reduced sensitivity).
  • No radiation.
  • Pleasant flavors in a viscous gel.
  • Teeth whitened by as many as 14 shades.
  • Two half hour treatments twice a day.
  • Unchanged structure of teeth.

What are the main considerations before using Day White®?

It should be noted that Day White® should only be applied to healthy teeth.  Patients who have tooth decay or gum disease need to have these conditions treated prior to applying the Day White® gel.  Day White® may not remove inorganic or deep stains, so it is important to consult with the dentist to ensure that expectations are realistic, considering the current condition of the teeth.

Here are some important points about using Day White®:

  • Once the gel is on the teeth, do not smoke, eat or drink.
  • Consult the dentist before ordering refills.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should not use tooth-whitening products.

How should Day White® be used?

Day White® is a healthy way to whiten teeth. The combination of hydrogen peroxide and Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) enables any imperfections in the surface of the teeth to be filled while the bleaching is underway.

Day White® is available in two low concentrations (7.5% and 9.5%).  Each syringe is filled with enough gel to treat the teeth three times daily, so the results are under the patient’s control.

To use Day White®, simply load the gel into the custom-made trays and apply to the teeth for up to 30 minutes twice daily.  When the desired time expires, remove the trays and rinse the mouth.  Be sure to thoroughly cleanse the trays after every application.

Whitening will occur gradually over the course of the Day White® treatment, and the end result will be a pearly white smile.

If you have any questions about Day White®, please ask your dentist.

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